Martes, Marso 20, 2012

Alternative Assessment

Alternative Assessment

I. Point and Shoot
A. Business Area
La Paz Public Market

The following pictures above are the scenes that can be found in La Paz Public Market. The pictures presents the following  "PURE FILIPINO CULTURE" which is early morning market or "pamamalengke" in tagalog term. The Filipino are also fond of creating a small business for them to earn money for a living. "Pamamalengke" or marketing has been a part of the lifestyle of many filipinos since the early days and up to know it is still the same. The rich cultures of filipinos are still being preserved.

B. Place of Worship

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Jalandoni Chapel)

The following are the pictures of the physical structure and as well the chapel itself of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints or also known as ‘Mormons’. The Chapel is located at Jalandoni La Paz, near Fine Rock Hotel. The building caters Sunday services and other activities.  The following pictures reveals and reflects that the Filipino people are indeed religious and it also says that most of the Filipinos are Christian and believes and have faith to our Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. 

C. Tourist Spot

Janiuay Cemetery

The middle stairway at its grandest old look

The 'La Pieta' figure inside the octagonal chapel

The Octagonal Chapel at the Cemetery

Along the highway connecting Janiuay to the neighboring town of Mina is a cemetery built on a slope. Described at the time it was finished as “the most artistic in the whole country” the builder of this cemetery was Fr. Fernando de Llorente who commenced work in 1874 and completed the whole project after nine years. The archbishop of Manila, Pedro Payo, blessed the cemetery.
Three stairways lead to the three gates of the cemetery, built on a high ground and shored up by a retaining wall. The wall has niches in which 16 six-foot stone santos were enshrined. The cemetery perimeter is surrounded by a brick and wrought iron fence and near this gate stood a Byzantine stone cross. The cross and some statues are missing.

On the same axis as the main gate is an octagonal mortuary chapel, covered by a pointed dome roof. The roof has been replaced by nondescript pyramidal roof. Despite the obvious degradation of the chapel, the Gothic features that remain are still stunning–the windows pierced by delicate stone tracery, the spires rising at the eight points of the octagonal building. (Panublion)

Janiuay Church

Located on a hill overlooking the town plaza, the ruins of the Neoclassic Church of Janiuay stands overshadowing the newer one.
The old Church of Janiuay was once a grand neoclassic church with byzantine elements. Clean bricks and yellowish limestones were used to construct this beautiful house of worsip. The Janiuay Catholic Church was built in February 1770.
Its belfry used to carry three magnificent bells, the largest weighing close to a ton. Finished in the late 1800's the church of Janiuay suffered the torments of war in World War II. WWII damaged the belfry, and the bells were lowered to ground after the war. The largest bell crashed down during the relocation and suffered a crack 18 inches (460 mm) in length from its lip upwards. When sounded it gives a distinct baritone rattling sound that can be heard for miles. It is now mounted in the new church's belfry built in the late 60s. In the regime of the Japanese occupation, the Church was burned and the bricks from the ruins were used to construct the Japanese's Tiring Landing Field, now the New Iloilo Airport in Cabatuan.

II. Meet My World

This picture was taken at the La Paz Chapel of The Church Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. We interviewed one of the missionary which is Elder Workman a locale of the state of Utah in America. He is currently serving a full time mission for two years here in the Philippines together with Elder Buluran. He discussed to us the following culture in their community, home, school, and in church. He also told us about their laws and the police system there. He is a very kind man who is willing to share his thoughts to us.

Transcribed Interview

Hannah: Hello Elder Workman, I am Hannah Diaz a 3rd year student of Bachelor of Hotel and Restaurant Management in WVSU. I was tasked to interview you and ask following questions pertaining to your culture and worldview, I am doing this because this is our requirement for our subject in Cultural Anthropology.  So is it ok?
Elder Workman: Sure it’s ok.
H: Thank you, Ok let’s start. First, Can you tell me about a brief explanation of your culture back in Utah?
E: Well, we do have a lot of culture back there, like here in the Philippines. In Utah, most of the people are really patriotic and we really follow the rules and laws, because if we don’t we’ll be dead. Haha! It is very important to be patriotic and to follow the rules in our community.  Also, we celebrate the fourth of July (Independence Day) which is a very important event in our country. We do have parades back there and that kind of stuffs, but we do not have fiestas. And holidays are not that important, holidays are like usual days there, we still do have class and work. Ok, what else? Taxes are really important because the portion of it is given to those who are homeless.
H: OK. How about in your home? What are your culture and as well as the family’s culture?
E: We are far away from our relatives, unlike here in the Philippines, most of the time the grandparents are still living in the same house with the children. Its different back there, our culture is, if someone got married they should move out to their house and start a new life. And also to those who are old enough and do have jobs can move out to another house. And an average family in Utah has two cars, but here in the Philippines, if a family has like two cars, they must be really rich, right? Our family has four cars, one for my sister, for my parents, for me and for my brother I’m not saying that we are really rich because it’s normal there. And  we don’t usually eat together; but dinner is an exception, my dad always cooks for dinner (like a real chef) but if its lunch, most of the time we go out and eat in fast foods or we just buy frozen food and microwave it. Our family is quite close, we go to church together and we also enjoy each other’s company.  
H: That’s really interesting to know. Ok, so, what about in school or the education in Utah?
E: A school is a law, it is really required to go to school, that is our culture there. Our educational system is really different from here; we have Grade school, Middle school and High school. Public schools have no uniforms and Private schools do have. Most of the kids in high school have cars, because as what I have said a while ago, it is normal. After high school usually we work and, others enter in to college but it’s really expensive so others just choose to get a job after high school. The government supports those who want to go to college by giving them loans. 
H: What else can you discuss elder?
E: Usually in Utah, a house is more expensive than a car that is why it's more easy to have  lots  of cars back there rather than having lots of house and eryone in Utah have internet access or connections in their home so it's easy to have a connection to everyone. Police are really strict there, they have police cars and police motorcycles, and they always give tickets to those who do not follow the traffic rules. I already had 6 tickets and I do not have my license right now. haha! And yeah, everyone has debit or credit cards so that whenever we buy thing we just swipe our crads.
H: Haha! Thank you eleder for sharing the practices and culture in your state. I guess this is enough,I can now put this on our blog. Thank you very much again.
E: Ok. your'e welcome.


"A Day with a Workforce Member: SPOTTED"

Name: Mayrie Rose Acero Dagatan
Age: 24
Position: Cashier, Receptionist, Dining Crew
Establishment: Lamesa Grill Iloilo
School Graduated From:
Our Lady of Fatima University, Lagro, Quezon City
 Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management
No. Of months Working :
presently 11 months working
Previous Job/s:
Max's Restaurant, Receptionist;
Shakey's, Cashier-Dining Crew; Chowking, 
Cashier-Dining Crew; Dubai, Catering assistant

IV. Word Bank 

Absolute Dating a method of dating fossils in which the actual age of a deposit or specimen is measured. Also known as chronometric dating.
Acclimatizationimpermanentphysiological changes that people make when they encounter a new environment.
Acculturation the process of extensive borrowing of aspects of culture in the context of superordinate- subordinate relations between societies; usually occurs as the result of external pressure.
Acheulian a stone tool making tradition dating from 1.5 million years ago. Compared with Oldowan tradition, Acheulian assemblages have more large tools crated according to standardized designs or shapes. One of the most characteristics and prevalent tools in the Acheulian tool kit is the s0-called hand axe, which is a teardrop-shaped bifacially flaked tool with a thinned sharp tip. Other large tools might have been cleavers and picks.
Achieved Qualities those qualities a person acquires during her or his lifetime.
Adapid a type of prosimian with many lemurlike features; appeared in the early Eocene.
Adaptation refers to genetic changes that allow an organism to survive and reproduce in a specific environment.
Adaptive Customscustoms that enhance survival and reproductive success in a particular environment. Usually applied to biological evolution, the terms is also often used by cultural anthropologist to refer to cultural traits that enhance reproductive success.
Adjudication the process by which the third party acting as judge makes a decision that the parties to a dispute have to accept.
Aegyptopithecus on Oligence anthropoid and probably the best-known propliopithecid.
Affinal Kin one’s relatives by marriage
Age-Grade a category of person who happen to fall within a particular, culturally distinguished age range.
Age-Set a group of person of similar age and the same sex who move together through some or all of life’s stages.
Agriculture the practice of raising domesticated crops.
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) a recent disease, almost always lethal, caused by the HIV virus.
Allele one member of a pair of genes.
Allen’s Rule the rule that protruding body parts (particularly arms and legs) are relatively shorter in

the cooler areas of a species range than in the warmer areas.
Ambilineal Descent the rule of descent that affiliates an individual with groups of kin related to him or her through men or women.
Ancestors Spirit supernatural beings who are ghost of dead relatives.
Animatism a belief in supernatural forces.
Animism a term used by Edward Tylor to describe a belief in a dual existence for all things – a physical, visible body and a psychic, invisible soul.

Anthropoids one of the two suborders of primates, includes monkeys, apes and humans.
Anthropological Linguistics the anthropological study of languages.
Anthroplogy a discipline that studies humans, focusing on the study of differences and similarities, both biological and cultural, in human populations. Anthropology is concerned with typical biological and cultural characteristics of human populations in all periods and in all parts of the world.
Applied (Practicing) Anthropology the branch of anthropology that concerns itself with applying anthropological knowledge to achieve practical goals, usually in the service of an agency outside the traditional academic setting.
Ar-Ar Dating used in conjunction with potassium-argon dating, this method gets around the problem of needing different rock samples to estimate potassium and argon. A nuclear reactor is used to convert the Ar to K, on the basis of which the amount of K can be estimated. In this way, both argon and potassium can be estimated from the same rock sample.
Arboreal adapted to living in trees.
Archaeology the branch of anthropology that seeks to reconstruct the daily life and customs of peoples who lived in the past and trace and explain cultural changes. Often lacking written records for study, archaeologist must try to reconstruct history from the material remains of human cultures. See also Historical Archaeology.
Ardipithecusramidus perhaps the first hominid, dating to some 4.5 million years ago. Its dentition combines apelike and australopithecine-like features, and its skeleton suggest it was bipedal.
Artifact any object made by a human.
Ascribe Qualities those qualities that are determined for a person at birth.
Association an organized group not based exclusively on kinship or territory.
Atlatl Aztec word for “spear-thrower”
Australopithecus genus of Pleistocene hominids.
Australopithecus aethiopicus an early robust australopithecine.
Australopithecus afarensis a species of Autralopithecusthat lived 4 million to 3 million years ago in East Africa and was definitely bipedal.
Australopithecus africanusa species of Australopithecus that lived between about 3 million and 2 million years ago.
Australopithecus anamensisa species of Australopithecus that lived perhaps 4.2 million years ago.
Australopithecus boiseian East African robust australopithecine species dating from 2.2 million to 1.3 million years ago with somewhat larger cranial capacity than A. africanus. No longer thought to be larger than other australopithecines, it is robust primarily in the skull and jaw, most strikingly in the teeth. Compared with A. robustus, A. boisei has even more features that reflect a huge chewing apparatus.
Australopithecus robustusa robust australopithecine species found in South African caves dating from about 1.8 million to 1 million years ago. Not as large in the teeth and jaws as Aboisei.
Avunculocal Residence a pattern of residence in which a married couple settles with or near the husband’s mother’s brother.
Balanced Reciprocity giving with the expectation of a straightforward immediate of limited-time trade.
Balancing Selection a type of selection that occurs when a heterozygous combination of alleles s positively favored even though a homozygous combination is disfavored.
Band a fairly small, usually nomadic local group that is politically autonomous.
Band Organization the kind of political organization where the local group or band is the largest territorial group in the society that acts as a unit. The local group in the band societies is politically autonomous.
Behavioral Ecology is the study of how all kinds of behavior may be related to the environment. The theoretical orientation involves the application of biological evolutionary principles to the behavior (including social behavior) of animals, including humans. Also called sociobiology, particularly when applied to social organization and social behavior.
Bergmann’s rule the rule that smaller-sized subpopulation of a species inhabits the warmer parts of its geographic range and larger-sized subpopulations the cooler areas.
Bifacial Tool a tool worked or flaked on two sides.
Bilateral Kinship the type of kinship system in which individuals affiliate more or less equally with their mother’s and father’s relatives; descent groups are absent.
Bilocal Residence a pattern of residence in which a married couple lives with or near either the husband’s parents or the wife’s parents.
Bilophodont is having four cusps on the molars that form two parallel ridges. This is the common molar pattern of Old World monkeys.
Biological Anthropology See Physical Anthropology
Biomedicine is the dominant medical paradigm in Western Societies today.
Bipedalism is locomotion in which an animal walks on its two hind legs.
Blade is a thin flake whose length is usually more than twice its width. In the blade technique of tool making, a core is prepared by shaping a piece of flint with hammer stones into pyramidal or cylindrical form. Blades are then struck off until the core is used up.
Brachiators are animals that move through the trees by swinging hand over hand from branch to branch. They usually have long arms and legs.
Bride Price is a substantial gift of goods or money given to the bride’s kin by the groom or his kin at or before the marriage. Also call bride’s wealth.
Bride Service is work performed by the groom for his bride’s family for a variable length of time either before or after the marriage.
Burin a chisel-like stone tool used for carving and for making such artifacts as bone and antler needles, awls, and projectile points.
Canines the cone-shaped teeth immediately behind the incisors; used by most primates to seize food and in fighting and display.
Cash Crop a cultivated commodity rose for sale rather than for personal consumption by the cultivator.
Caste a ranked group, often associated with a certain occupation, in which membership is determined at birth and marriage, is restricted to members of one’s own caste.
Catarrhines is the group of anthropoids with narrow noses and nostrils that face downward. Catarrhines includes monkey of the Old World (Africa, Asia, and Europe), as well as apes and humans.
Ceramics is an objects shaped from clay and baked at high temperature (fired) to make hard. Containers such as pots and jars are typical ceramics, though they can take on many forms and uses.
CercopithecoidsOld World Monkey
Cerebral Cortex is the “gray matter” of the brain; the center of speech and other higher mental activities.
Chief is people who exercise authority, usually on behalf of a multicommunity political unit. This role is generally found in rank societies and is usually permanent and often hereditary.
Chiefdom is a political unit, with a chief at its head, integrating more than one community but not necessarily the whole society or language group.
Chromosomes are paired rod-shaped structures within a cell nucleus containing the genes that transmit from one generation to the next.
Chronometric DatingseesAbsolute Dating
Civilization is an urban society, from the Latin word for “city state”.
Clan is a set of kin whose members believe themselves to be descended from a common ancestor or ancestress but cannot specify the links back to that founder; often designated by a totem. Also call as sib.
Class a category of persons who have about the same opportunity to obtain economic resources, power, and prestige.
Classificatory Terms is a kinship terms that merges or equates relatives who are genealogically distinct from one another; the same term is used for a number of different kin.
Class Society is a society containing social groups that have unequal access to economic resources, power, and prestige.
Cline is the gradually increasing (or decreasing) frequency of a gene from one of a region to another.
Codeswitching is using more than one language in the course of conversing.
Codified Laws is a formal principle for resolving disputes in heterogeneous and stratified societies.
Cognates are a words or morphs that belong to different languages but have similar sounds and meanings.
Commercial Exchangesee Market or Commercial Exchange.
Commercialization is the increasing dependence on buying and selling, with money usually as the medium of exchange.
Compatibility-with-Child-Care Theory is an explanation for the gender division of labor that suggests that women’s work will typically involve tasks that do not take women far from home for long periods, do not place children in potential danger if they are taken along, and can be stopped and resume if an infant needs care.
Complementary Opposition is the occasional uniting of various segments of a segmentary lineage system in opposition to similar segments.
Consanguineal Kin is one’s biological relatives; relatives by birth.
Conservation is a techniques used on archaeological materials to stop or reserve the process of decay.
Context is the relationship between and among artifacts, Eco facts, fossils, and features.
Continental Drift is the movement of the continents over the past 135 million years. In the early Cretaceous (ca. 135 million years ago) there were two “supercontinents”:Laurasia, which included Africa, South America, India, Australia, and Antarctica. By the beginning of the Paleocene (ca. 65million years ago), Gondwanaland had broken apart, with South America drifting west away from Africa, India drifting east, and Australia and Antarctica drifting south.
Core Vocabulary is no specialist vocabulary.
Convèe is a system of required labor.
Cretaceous is geological epoch 135 million to 65 million years ago, during which dinosaurs and other reptiles ceased to be the dominant land vertebrates and mammals and birds began to become important.
Crime is a violence not considered legitimate that occurs within a political unit.
Cro-Magnons a humans who lived in western Europe about 35,000 years ago. Once thought to be the earliest specimens of modern-looking humans, or Homo sapiens. But it is now known  that modern-looking humans appeared earlier outside of Europe; the earliest so far found lived in Africa.
Cross-Cousins are children of siblings of the opposite sex. One’s cross-cousins are father’s sister’s children and mother’s brother’s children.
Cross-Cultural Researcher is an ethnologist who uses ethnographic data about many societies to test possible explanations of cultural variation.
Crossing-Over is an exchange of sections of chromosomes from one chromosome to another.
Cultural Anthropology is the study of cultural variation and universals.
Cultural Ecology is the analysis of the relationship between a culture and its environment.
Cultural Relativism is the attitude that a society’s customs and ideas should be viewed within the context of that society’s problems and opportunities.
Cultural Resources Management (CRM) is the branch of applied anthropology that seeks to recover and preserve the archaeological record before programs of planned change disturb of destroy it.
Culture is the set of learned behavior’s, beliefs, attitudes, values, and ideals that are characteristics of a particular society or population.
Culture History is a history of the cultures that lived in a given area over time. Until the 1950’s building such cultures histories was a primary goal of archaeological research.
Cuneiform is wedge-shaped writing invented by the Sumerians around 3000 B.C.
Descriptive or Structural Linguistics is the study of how languages are constructed.
Descriptive Term is a kinship term used to refer to a genealogically distinct relative; a different term is used for each relative.
Dialect is a variety of languages spoken in a particular area or by a particular social group.
Diastema a gap between the canine and first premolar found in apes.
Diffusion is the borrowing by one society of a culture trait belonging to another society as the result of contact between the two societies.
Directional Selection is a type of natural selection that increases the frequency of trait (the traits is said to be positively favored or adaptive).
Diurnal is an active during the day.
Divination is getting the supernatural to provide guidance.
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid; a long, two-stranded molecule in the genes that directs the makeup of an organism according to the instructions in its genetic code.
Domestication is modification or adaptation of plants and animals for use by humans. When people plant crops, we refer to the process as cultivation. It is only when the crops cultivated and the animals raised have been modified-are different from wild varieties-that we speak of plant and animals domestication.
Dominant is the allele of a gene pair that is always phenotypically expressed in the heterozygous form.
Double Descent is a system that affiliates an individual with a group of matrilineal kin for some purpose and with a group of patrilineal kin for other purposes. Also called double unilineal descent.
Dowry is a substantial transfer of goods or money from the bride’s family to the bride.
Dryopithecusa genus ofape from the later Miocene found primarily in Europe. It had thin tooth enamel and pointed molar cups very similar to those of the fruit-eating chimpanzees of today.
Early Evolutionism is the view that culture develops in a uniform and progressive manner.
Ecofacts is natural items that have been used by humans. Things such as the remains of animals eaten by humans or plant pollens found on archaeological sites are examples of ecofacts.
Economy-of-Effort Theory an explanation for the gender division of labor that suggests that it may be advantageous for a gender to do tasks that follow in an production sequence (e.g. those who cut lumber make wooden objects; those who quarry stone make stone objects); it may also be advantageous for one gender to perform tasks that are located near each other (e.g. child care and other chores done in our near the home).
Egalitarian Society is a society in which all persons of a given age-sex category have equal access to economic resources, power, and prestige.
Ego is the reckoning of kinship, the reference point or focal person.
Electron Spin Resonance Dating is like thermoluminescene dating, this technique measures trapped electrons from surrounding radioactive material. The material to be dated is exposed to varying magnetic fields in order to obtain a spectrum of the microwaves absorbed by the material. Because heat is not required for this technique, electron spin resonance is especially useful for dating organic materials, such as bone and shell that decompose of heated.
Enculturation see Socialization
Endogamy is the rule of specifying marriage to a person within one’s own group (kin, caste, community).
Eocene is a geological epoch 55 million to 34 million years ago during which the first definite primates appeared.
Ethnicity is the process of defining ethnicity usually involves a group of people emphasizing common origins and language, shared history, and selected aspects of culture difference such as a difference in religion. Since different groups one is inside or ceiving, ethnic identities often vary with whether one is inside or outside the group.
Ethnocentric it refers to judgment of other cultures solely in terms of one’s own culture.
Ethnocentrism is the attitude that other society’s customs and ideas can be judged in the context of one’s own cultures.
Ethnographer is a person who spends sometime living with, interviewing, and observing a group of people so that he or she can describe their customs.
Ethnographic Analogy is a method of comparative cultural study that extrapolates to the past from recent or current societies.
Ethnography is a description of a society’s customary behaviors, beliefs and attitudes.
Ethnohistorian is an ethnologist who uses historical documents to study how a particular culture has changed over time.
Ethnology is the study of how and why recent cultures differ and are similar.
Ethnomedicine is the health-related beliefs, knowledge, and practices of a cultural group.
Exogamy is the rule specifying marriage to a person from outside one’s own group (kin or community).
Expendability Theory is an explanation for the gender division of labor that suggest that men, rather than women will tend to do the dangerous work in a society because the loss of men is less disadvantageous reproductively than the loss of women.
Explanation is an answer to a why question. In science, there are two kinds of explanation that researchers try to achieve: associations and theories.
Expressive Culture is an activity, such as art, music, dance, and folklore that presumably express thoughts and feelings.
Extended Family is a family consisting of two or more single parent, monogamous, polyandrous families linked by a blood tie.
Falsification is showing that a theory seems to be wrong by finding that implications or predictions derivable from it are not consistent with objectively collected data.
Family is social economic unit consisting minimally of a parent and a child.
Fayumis a site of Cairo, Egypt, where the world’s best record of Oligocene primate fossils has been found.
Features are artifacts of human manufacture that cannot be removed from an archaeological site. Hearths, storage pits, and buildings are examples of features.
Feuding is a state of recurring hostility between families or groups of kin, usually motivated by a desired to avenge an offense against a member of the group.
Fieldwork is firsthand experience with the people being studied and the usual means by which anthropological information is obtained. Regardless of other methods (e.g. censuses, surveys) that anthropologist may use; fieldwork usually involves participant-observation for an extended period of time, often a year or more. See Participant-Observation.
Fission-Track Dating is a chronometric dating method used to date crystal, glass and many uranium-rich materials contemporaneous with fossils or deposits that are from 20billion to 5 billion years old. This dating method entails counting the tracks or paths of decaying uranium-isotopes atoms in the sample and then comparing the number of tracks with the uranium content of the sample.
Folklore it includes all the myths, legends, folktales, ballads, riddles, proverbs, and superstitions of a cultural group. Generally, folklore is transmitted orally, but it may also be written.
Food Collection all forms of subsistence technology in which food-getting is dependent on naturally occurring resources-wild plants and animals.
Food-Production is the form of subsistence technology in which food-getting is dependent on the cultivation and domestication of plants and animals.
Foragers are people who subsist on the collection of naturally occurring plants and animals. Also refer as hunter-gatherers.
Foreman Magnum is an opening in the base of the skull through which the spinal cord passes en route to the brain.
Forensic Anthropology is the use of anthropology to help solve crimes.
Fossils are the hardened remains or impressions of plants and animals that lived in the past.
Fraternal Polyandry is the marriage of a woman to two more brothers at the same time.
F-U-N Trio is the fluorine (F),uranium (U), and nitrogen (N) test of relative dating. All three minerals are present in groundwater. The older fossils is, the higher its fluorine or uranium content will be and the lower its nitrogen content.
Gender Differences is differences between females and males that reflect cultural expectations and experiences.
Gender Roles is roles that are culturally assigned to genders.
Gender Stratification is the degree of unequal access by the different genders to prestige, authority, rights, and economic resources.
Gene is a chemical unit of heredity.
Gene Flow is the process by which genes pass from the gene pool of one population to that of another through mating and reproduction.
Generalized Reciprocity is a gift giving without any immediate or planned return.
General-Purpose Money is a universally accepted medium of exchange.
Genetic Drift is the various random processes that affect gene frequencies in small, relatively isolated populations.
Genotype is the total complement of inherited traits or genes of an organism.
Genus is a group of related species; pl. Genera.
Ghost is supernatural beings who were once human; the souls of the dead people.
Gloger’s Rule is the rule that populations of birds and mammals living in warm, humid climates have more melanin (and therefore darker skin, fur, or feathers) than populations of the same species living in cooler, drier areas.
Gods is a supernatural beings of nonhuman origin who are named personalities; often anthropomorphic.
GracileAustrapithecines is the earliest group of australopithecines, usually differentiated from the robust australopithecines (see below) by their lighter dentition and smaller faces.
Group Marriage is marriage in which more than one man is married to more than one woman at the same time; not customary in any known human society.
Group Selection is natural selection of group characteristics.
Half-Life is the time it takes for half of the atoms of a radioactive substance to decay into atoms of a different substance.
Hand axe is a teardrop-shaped stone tool characteristic of Acheulian assemblages.
Hard Hammer is a technique of stone tool manufacture where one stone is used to knock flakes from another stone. Flakes produced through hard hammer percussion are usually large and crude.
Headman is a person who holds a powerless but symbolically unifying position in a community within an egalitarian society; may exercise influence but has no power to impose sanctions.
Heterozygous is possessing differing genes or alleles in corresponding locations on a pair of chromosomes.
Hieroglyphics “picture writing”, as in ancient Egypt and in Mayan sites in Mesoamerica (Mexico and Central America).
Historical Archaeology is specialty within archaeology that studies the material remains of recent peoples who left written records.
Historical Linguistics is the study of how languages change over time.
Holistic refers to an approach that studies many aspects of a multifaceted system.
Hominids are the group of hominoids consisting of human and their direct ancestors. It contains at least two genera: Homo and Australopithecus.
Homo is genus to which modern humans and their ancestors belong.
Homo erectus is the first hominid species to be widely distributed in the Old World. The earliest finds are possibly 1.8 million years old. The brain (averaging 895-1,040 cc) was larger than that found in any of the australopithecines or H. habilis but smaller than the average brain of a modern human.
Homo habilis is early species belonging to our genus, Homo, with cranial capacities averaging about 630-640 cc, about 50 percent of the brain capacity of modern humans. Dating is from about 2 million years ago.
Homo heidelbergensis is a transitional species between Homoerectus and Homo sapiens.
Homo neandertalens is the technical name for the Neandertals a group of robust otherwise anatomically distinct hominids that are close relatives of modern humans-so close that some believe they should be classified as Homo sapiens neandertalensis,
Homo rudolfensis is early species belonging to our genus, Homo. Similar enough to homohabilis that some paleoanthropologist make no distinction between the two.
Homo sapiensare all living people belong to one biological species, Homo sapiens, which means that all human populations on earth can successfully interbreed. The first Homo sapiens may have emerged by 200,000 years ago.
Homo sapiens sapiens is modern-looking humans, undisputed examples of which appears about 50,000 years ago; may have appeared earlier.
Homozygous is possessed two identical genes or alleles in corresponding locations on a pair of chromosomes.
Horticulture is plant cultivation carried out with relatively simple tools and methods; nature is allowed to replace nutrients in the soil, in the absence of permanently cultivated fields.
Human Paleontology is the study of the emergence of humans and their later physical evolution. Also callpaleoanthropology.
Human Variation is the study of how and why contemporary human populations vary biologically.
Hunter-Gatherers are people who collect food from naturally occurring resources, that is, wild plants, animals, and fish. The phrase “hunter-gatherers” minimizes sometimes heavy dependence on fishing. Also refer to as foragers.
Hylobates is the family of hominoids that incleds gibbons and siamangs; often refer to as the lesser apes (as compared with the great apes such as gorillas and chimpanzees).
Hypothesis is a prediction, which may be derived from theories, about how variables are related.
Hypoxia is a condition of oxygen deficiency that often occurs at high altitudes. The percentage of oxygen in the air is the same as at lower altitudes, but because the barometric pressure is lower, less oxygen is taken in with each breath. Often, breathing becomes more rapid, the heart beats faster, and activity is more difficult.
Incest Taboo is prohibition of sexual intercourse or marriage between mother and son, father and daughter, and brother and sister.
Incisors is the front teeth; used for holding or seizing food and preparing it for chewing by the other teeth.
Indirect Dowry are goods given by the groom’s kin to the bride (or her father, who passes most of them to her) at or before her marriage.
Indicator Fossils is well-known fossils used to assign dates to rock strata.
Indirect Percussion is a toolmaking technique common in the Upper Paleolithic. After shaping a core into a pyramidal or cylindrical form, the toolmaker can put a punch of antler or wood or another hard material into position and strike it with a hammer. Using a hammer-struck punch enabled the toolmaker to strike off consistently shaped blades.
Individual Selection is a natural selection of individual characteristics.
Intensive Agriculture is a food production characterized by the permanent cultivation of fields and made possible by the use of the plow, draft animals or machines, fertilizers, irrigation, water-storage techniques, and other complex agricultural techniques.
Kenyapithecus is an apelike primate from the Middle Miocene found in East Africa. It had very thickly enameled teeth and bust jaws, suggesting a diet of hard, tough foods. Probably, somewhat terrestrial.
Kindred a bilateral set of close relatives.
Knuckle Walking is a locomotors pattern of primates such as the chimpanzee and gorilla in which the weight of the upper part of the body is supported on the thickly padded knuckles of the hands.
Kula Ring is a ceremonial exchange of valued shell ornaments in the Trobriand Island, in which white shell armbands ate traded around the island in a counterclockwise direction and res shell necklaces are traded clockwise.
Laws (Scientific) are associations or relationships that are accepted by almost all scientists.
Levalloisian Method is a method that allowed flake tools of a predetermined size to be produced from a shaped core. The tool-maker first shaped the core and prepared a “striking platform” at one end. Flakes predetermined and standard sizes could then be knocked off. Although some Levallois flakes date from as far back as 400,000 years ago, they are found more frequently in Mousterian tool kits.
Levirate is a custom whereby a man is obliges to marry his brother’s widow.
Lexical Content a vocabulary or lexicon.
Lexicon is the words and morphs, and their meanings, of a language; approximated by a dictionary.
Lineage is a set of kin whose members trace descent from a common ancestor through known links.
Lithicsis the technical name for tools made from stone.
Lower Paleolithic is the period of the Oldowan and Acheulian stone tool traditions.
Magic is the performance of certain rituals that are believed to compel the supernatural powers to act in particular ways.
Maladaptive Customs are customs that diminish the chances of survival and reproduction in a particular environment. Usually applied to biological evolution, the term is often used by cultural anthropologist to refer to behavioral or cultural traits that are likely to disappear because they diminish reproductive success.
Manais a supernatural, impersonal force that inhabits certain objects or people and is believed to confer success and/or strength.
Manumission is the granting of freedom to a slave.
Market or Commercial Exchange is transactions in which the “prices” are subject to supply and demand, whether or not the transactions occur in a marketplace.
Marriage is a socially approved sexual and economic union, usually between a man and a woman, that is presumed, both by the couple and by others, to be more or less permanent, and that subsumes reciprocal rights and obligations between the two spouses and between spouses and their future children.
Matriclan is a clan tracing descent through the female line.
Matrifocal Family is a family consisting of a mother and her children.
Matrilineage Descent is the rule of descent that affiliates an individual with kin of both sexes related to him or her through women only.
Matrilocal Residence is a pattern of residence in which a married couple lives with or near the wife’s parents.
Measure is to describe how something compares with other things on some scale of variation.
Mediation is the process by which a third party tries to bring about a settlement in the absence of formal authority to force a settlement.
Medium is part-time religious practitioner who is asked to heal and divine while in a trace.
Meiosis is the process by which reproductive cells are formed. In this process of division, the number of chromosomes in the newly formed cells is reduced by half, so that when fertilization occurs the resulting organism has the normal number of chromosomes appropriate to its species, rather than double that number.
Mesolithic is the archaeological period in the Old World beginning about 12,000 B.C. Humans were starting to settle down in semi-permanent camps and villages, as people began to depend less  on big game (which they used to have to follow over long distances) and more on relatively stationary food resources such as fish, shellfish, small game, and wild plants rich in carbohydrates, proteins, and oils.
Messenger RNA is a type of ribonucleic acid that is used in the cell to copy the DNA code for use in protein synthesis.
Microlithis a small, razor like blade fragment that was probably attached in a series to a wooden or bone handle to form a cutting edge.
Middle Paleolithic is the time period of the Mousterian stone tool tradition.
Mitosis is a cellular reproduction or growth involving the duplication of chromosome pairs.
Moiety is a unilineal descent group in a society that is divided into two such maximal groups; there may be smaller unilineal descent groups as well.
Molars are the large teeth behind the premolars at the back of the jaws; used for chewing and grinding food.
Monotheistic believes that there is only one high god and that all other supernatural beings are subordinate to, or are alternative manifestations of, this Supreme Being.
Morph is the smallest unit of a language that has a meaning.
Morpheme is one or more morphs with the same meaning.
Morphology is the study of how sound sequences convey meaning.
Mousterian Tool Assemblage is named after the tool assemblage found in a rock shelter at Le Moustier in the Dorrdogne region of southwestern France. Compared with an Acheulian assemblage, the Middle Paleolithic (40,000-300,000 years ago) Mousterian has a smaller proportion of large core tools such as hand axes and cleavers and a bigger proportion of small flake tools such as scrapers. Flakes were often altered or “retouched” by striking small flakes or chips from one or more edges.
Natural Selection is the outcome of processes that affect the frequencies of traits in a particular environment. Traits that enhance survival and reproductive success increase in frequency over time.
Neandertalis the common name for the species Homo neandertalensis.
Negotiation is the pricess by which the parties to a dispute try to resolve it themselves.
Neolithic is originally meaning “the new stone age”, now meaning the presence of domesticated plants and animals. The earliest evidence of domestication comes from the Near East about 8000 B.C.
Neolocal Residence is a pattern of residence whereby a married couple lives separately and usually at some distance, from the ken of both spouses.
Nocturnal is active during the night.
NonfracternalPolyandry is a marriage of a woman to two or more men who are not brothers.
Nonsororal Polyandry is a marriage of a man to two or more women who are not sisters.
Normalizing Selection is the type of natural selection that removes harmful genes that arose by mutation.
Norms is a standards or rules about acceptable behavior in a society. The importance of a norm usually can be judged by how members of a society respond when the norm is violated.
Nuclear Family is a family consisting of a married couple and their young children.
Oath is the act of calling upon a deity to bear witness to the truth of what one says.
Obsidian is a volcanic glass that can be used to make mirrors or sharp-edged tools.
Occipital Torus is a ridge of bone running horizontally across the black of the skull in apes and some hominids.
Oldowan is the earliest stone toolmaking tradition, named after the tools found in Bed I at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania; from about 2.5 million years ago. The stone artifacts include core tools and sharp-edged flakes made by striking one stones against another. Flake tools predominate. Among the core tools, so-called choppers ate common.
Oligocene is the geological epoch 34 million to 24 million years ago during which definite anthropoids emerged.
Omnivorous is eating both meant and vegetation.
Omomyid is a type of prosimian with many tarsiers like features that appeared in the early Eocene.
Operational Definition is a description of the procedure that is followed in measuring a variable.
Opposable Thumb is a thumb that can touch the tips of all the other fingers.
Optimal Foraging Theory is the theory that individuals seeks to maximize the returns ( in calories and nutrients) on their labor in deciding which animals and plants they will go after.
Ordeal is a means of determining guilt or innocence by submitting the accused to dangerous or painful test believed to be under supernatural control.
Paleoanthropologist is an anthropologist who works in the field of Paleoanthropology or human paleontology.
Paleoanthropology sees Human Paleontology.
Paleocene is the geological epoch 65 million to 55 million years ago.
Paleolithic is a period of the early Stone Age, when flint, stone, and bone tools were developed and hunting and gathering were the means of acquiring food.
Paleomagnetic Dating is a method of dating archaeological and fossils deposits based on reversals and changes in the earth’s magnetic field over time. By comparing the magnetic characteristics of a deposit to those known from the earths past, a date when the deposit was formed can be determined.
Parallel Cousinsarechildren of siblings of the same sex. One’s parallel cousins are father’s brother’s children and mother’s sister’s children.
Parapithecidsis a small monkeylike Oligocene primates found in the Fayum area of Egypt.
Participant-Observation is living among the people being studied-observing, questioning, and (when possible) taking part in the important events of the group. Writing or otherwise recording notes on observations, questions asked and answered, and things to check out later are parts of participant-observation.
Pastoralism is a form of subsistence technology in which food-getting is based directly or indirectly on the maintenance of domesticated animals.
Patriclan is a clan tracing descent through the male line.
Patrilineageis a kin group whose members trace descent through known links in the male line from a common male ancestor.
Patrilineal Descent is the rule of descent that affiliates an individual with kin of both sexes related to him or her through men only.
Patrilocal Residence is a pattern of residence in which a married couple lives with or near the husband’s parents.
Peasants are rural people who produce food for their own subsistence but who must also contribute or sell their surpluses to others (in towns and cities) who do not produce their own food.
Percussion Flaking is a toolmaking technique in which one stone is struck with another to remove a flake.
Personality is the distinctive way an individual thinks, feels, and behaves.
Personality Integration of Culture is the theory that personality or psychological processes may account for connections between certain aspects of culture.
Phenotype is the observable physical appearance of an organism, which may or may not reflect its genotype or total genetic constitution.
Phone is a speech sound in a language.
Phoneme is a sound or set of sounds that makes a difference in meaning to the speakers of the language.
Phonology is the study of the sounds in a language and how they are used.
Phrarty is a unilineal descent group composed of a number of supposedly related clans (sibs).
Physical (Biological) Anthropology is the study of humans as biological organisms, dealing with the emergence and evolution of humans and with contemporary biological variations among human populations. Also call biological anthropology.
Platyrrhinesare the group of anthropoids that have broad, flat-bridged nose, with nostrils facing outward; these monkeys are currently found only in the New World (Central and South America).
Pleistocene is a geological epoch that started 1.6 million years ago and, according to some, continues into the present. During this period, glaciers have often covered much of the earth’s surface and humans became the dominant life form.
Plesiadipis is the most well-known of the plesiadipiforms, possibly an archaic primate.
Pliocene is the geological epoch that started 1.6 million years ago, and, according to some, continues into the present. During this period, glaciers have often covered much of the earth’s surface and humans became the dominant life form.
Political Economy is the study of how external forces, particularly powerful state societies, explain the way a society changes and adapts.
Polyandry is the marriage of one woman to more than one man at a time.
Polygamy is a plural marriage; marriage to more than one spouses simultaneously.
Polygyny is the marriage of one man to more than one woman at a time.
Polyphony is two or more melodies sung simultaneously.
Polytheistic is recognizing many gods, none of whom is believed to be superordinate.
Pongids is hominoids whose members includes both the living and extinct apes.
Potassium-Argon (K-Ar) Dating is a chronometric dating method that uses the rate of decay of a radioactive form of potassium (K) into argon (AR) to date samples from 5,000 to 3 billion years old. The K-AR method dates the minerals and rocks in deposits, not the fossils themselves.
Postpartum Sex Taboo is prohibition of sexual intercourse between couples for a period of time after the birth of their child.
Potlatch is a feast among Pacific Native Americans at which great quantities of food and goods are given to the guests in order to gain prestige for the host.
Practicing AnthropologyseeApplied Anthropology.
Prairie is grassland with a high grass cover.
Prehensile is adapted for grasping objects.
Prehistotyis the time before written records.
Premolars are the teeth’s immediately behind the canines; used in chewing, grinding, and shearing food.
Pressure Flaking is a toolmaking technique whereby small flakes are struck off by pressing against the core with a bone, antler, or wooden tool.
Priest is generally a full-time specialist, with very high status, who is thought to be able to relate to superior or high or high gods beyond the ordinary person’s access or control.
Primary Institutions is the sources of early experience, such as family organization and subsistence technique, that presumably help form the basic, or typical, personality found in a society.
Primary Subsistence Activities is the food-getting activities: gathering, hunting, fishing, herding, and agriculture.
Primate is member of the mammalian order Primates, divided into the two suborders of prosimians and anthropoids.
Primatologists are people who study primates.
Probability Value (p-value) is the like hood that an observed result could have occurred by chance.
Proconsul is the best-known genus of proto-apes from the Early Miocene.
Prognathicis a physical feature that is sticking out or pushed forward such as the faces in apes and some hominid species.
Projective Test is a test that utilizes ambiguous stimuli; test subjects must project their own personality traits in order to structure the ambiguous stimuli.
Propliopithecids is ape like anthropoids dating from the early Oligocene, found in the Fayum area of Egypt.
Prosimians is literally “premonkeys”, one of the two suborders of primates; includes lemurs, lorises, and tarsiers.
Protolanguage is a hypothesized ancestral language from which two or more languages seem to have derived.
Quadrupeds are animals that walk on all fours.
Race in biology, race refers to a subpopulation or variety of a species that differs somewhat in gene frequencies from other varieties of the species. All members of a species can interbreed and produce viable offspring. Many anthropologists do not think that the concept of race is usefully applied to humans because humans do not fall into geographic populations that can be easily distinguished in terms of different sets of biological or physical traits. Thus, race in humans is largely a culturally assigned category.
Rachis is the seed-bearing part of a plant. In the wild variety the rachis shatters easily, releasing the seeds. Domesticated grains have a tough rachis, which does not shatter easily.
Racism is the belief, without scientific basis, that one “race” is superior to others.
Radiocarbon (or Carbon-14) Dating is a dating method that uses the decay of carbon-14 to date organic remains. It is reliable for dating once-living matter up to 50,000 years old.
Raiding is a short-term use of force, generally planned and organized, to realize a limited objective.
Random Sample is a sample in which all cases selected have had an equal chance to be included.
Rank Society is a society that does not have any unequal access to economic resources or power, but with social groups that have unequal access to status positions and prestige.
Recessive is an allele phenotypically suppressed in the heterozygous form and expressed only in the homozygous form.
Reciprocity is the accumulation of goods ( or labor ) by a particular person or in a particular place and their subsequent distribution.
Relative Dating is a method of dating fossils that determines the age of a specimen or deposit relative to a known specimen or deposit.
Religion is any set of attitudes, beliefs, and practices pertaining to supernatural power, whether that power rests in forces, gods, spirits ghost, or demons.
Revitalization Movement is a new religious movement intended to save a culture by infusing it with a new purpose and life.
Revolution is usually violent replacement of a society’s rulers.
Ribosome is a structure in the cell used in making proteins.
Robust Australopithecines is a later group of australopithecines usually differentiated from the gracile australopithecines by their heavier dentition and larger faces.
Rules of Descent are rules that connect individuals with particular sets of kin because of known or presumed common ancestry.
Sagittal Crest is a ridge of bone running along the top of the skull in apes and early hominids.
Sagittal Keel is inverted V-shaped ridge running along the top of the skull in Homo erectus.
Sampling Universe is the list of cases to be sampled from.
Savanna is tropical grassland.
Secondary Institutions is an aspect of culture, such as religion, music, art, folklore, and games, which presumably reflect or are projections of the basic, or typical, personality in a society.
Secondary Subsistence Activities is an activity that involves the preparation and processing of food either to make it edible or to store it.
Sedentarism is a settle life.
Segmentary Lineage System is a hierarchy of more and more inclusive lineages; usually functions only in conflict situations
Segregation is the random sorting of chromosomes in meiosis.
Sex Differences is the typical differences between females and males that are most likely due to biological differences.
Sexual Dimorphism is a marked difference in size and appearance between males and females of a species.
Shaman is a religious intermediary, usually part time, whose primary function is to cure people through sacred songs, pantomime, and other means; sometimes called witch doctor by Westerners.
Shifting CultivationseeExtensive Cultivation.
Sib seeClan.
Siblings are a person’s brothers and sisters.
Sickle-Cell Anemia (Sicklemia)is a condition in which red blood cells assume a crescent (sickle) shape when deprived of oxygen, instead of the normal (disk) shape. The sickle-shaped red blood cells do not move through the body as readily as normal cells, and thus cause damage to the heart, lungs, brains, and other vital organs.
Sites are location where the material remains of human activity have been preserved in a way that archaeologist or paleoanthropologist can recover them.
Sivapithecus is a genus of ape from the later Miocene known for its thickly enameled teeth, suggesting a diet of hard, tough, or gritty items. Found primarily in western and southern Asia and now thought to be ancestral to orangutans.
Slash-and-Burn is a form of shifting cultivation in which the natural vegetation is cut down and burned off. The cleared ground is used for a short time and then left to regenerate.
Slaves are a class of person who do not own their own labor or the products thereof.
Socialization is a term used by anthropologist and psychologists to describe the development, through the direct and indirect influence of parents and others, of children’s patterns of behavior (and attitudes and values) that conform to cultural expectations.
Society is a group of people who occupy a particular territory and speak a common language not generally understood by neighboring peoples. By this definition, societies do not necessarily correspond to nations.
Sociobiology sees Behavioral Ecology.
Sociolinguistic is the study of cultural and subcultural patterns of speaking in different social contexts.
Soft Hammer is a technique of stone tool manufacture in which a bone or wood hammer is used to strike flakes from a stone.
Sorcery is the use of certain materials to invoke supernatural powers to harm people.
Sororal Polygyny is the marriage of a man to two or more sisters at the same time.
Sororateis a custom whereby a woman is obliged to marry her deceased sister’s husband.
Special-Purpose Money is objects of value for which only some goods and services can be exchanged.
Speciation is the development of a new species.
Species is a population that consists of organism able to interbreed and produce viable and fertile offspring.
Spirits are unnamed supernatural beings of nonhuman origin who are beneath the gods in prestige and often closer to the people; may be helpful, mischievous, or evil.
State is a form of political organization that includes class stratification, three to more levels of hierarchy, and leaders with the power to govern by force.
State Organization is a society is described as having state organization when it includes one or more states.
Statistical Association is a relationship or correlation between two or more variables that is unlikely to be due to chance.
Statistically Significantis referring to a result that would occur very rarely by chance. The result (and stronger ones) would occur fewer than 5 times out of 100 by chance.
Steppe is grassland with a dry, low grass cover.
Stratified is an archaeological deposit that contains successive layers or strata.
Stratigraphy is the study of how different rock formations and fossils are laid down in success layers or strata. Older layers are generally deeper of lower than more recent layers.
Strength Theory is an explanation for the gender division of labor suggesting that men’s work typically involves tasks (like hunting and lumbering) requiring greater strength and greater aerobic work capacity.
Structural LinguisticsseeDescriptive Linguistics.
Subculture is the shared customs of a subgroup within a society.
Subsistence Technology is the methods human or not subject to the laws of nature.
Supernatural is believed to be not human or not subject to the laws of nature.
Syntax is the ways in which words are arranged to form phrases and sentences.
Taboo is a prohibition that, if violated, is believed to bring supernatural punishment.
Taphonomy is the study of how natural processes form and disturb archaeological sites.
Taurodontism is having teeth with an enlarged pulp cavity.
Taxonomy is the classification of extinct and living organism.
Terrestrial is an adapted to living on the ground.
Theories are explanations of associations or laws.
Thermoluminescene Dating is a dating technique that is well suited to samples of ancient pottery, brick, tile, or terra cotta, which (when they were made) were heated to high temperature that released trapped electrons. Such an object continues over time to trap electrons from radioactive elements around it and the electrons trapped after manufacture emit light when heated. Thus the age of the object can be estimated by measuring how much light is emitted when the object is heated.
Totem is a plant or animals associated with a clan (sib) as a means of group identification: may have special significance for the group.
Tribal Organization is the kind of political organization in which local communities mostly act autonomously but there are kin groups (such as clean) or associations ( such as age-sets) that can temporarily integrate a number of local groups into a larger unit.
Tribe is a territorial population in which there are kin or nonkin groups with representatives in a number of local groups.
Typology is a way of organizing artifacts in categories based on their particular characteristics.
Unifacial Tool is a tool worked or flaked on one side only.
Unilineal Descent is affiliation with a group of kin through descent links of one sex only.
Unilocal Residence is a pattern of residence (partilocal, matrilpcal, or avunculocal) that specifies just one set of relatives that the married couple lives with or near.
Unisex Association is an association that restricts its membership to one sex, usually male.
Universally Ascribed Qualities are those ascribed qualities (age, sex) that are found in all societies.
Upper Paleolithic is the time period associated with the emergence of modern humans and their spread around the world.
Uranium-Series Dating is a technique for dating fossil sites that uses the decay of two kinds of uranium into other isotopes (such as thorium). Particularly, useful in cave site. Different types of uranium-series dating use different isotope ratios.
Variable is a thing or quantity that varies.
Variably Ascribed Qualities are those ascribed qualities (such as ethnic, religious, or social class differences) that are found only in some societies.
Vertical Clinging and Leapingis a locomotors pattern characteristic of several primates, including tarsiers and galagos. The animal normally rest by clinging to a branch in a vertical position to another.
Warfare is violence between political entities such as communities, districts, or nations.
Witchcraft is the practice of attempting to harm people by supernatural means, but through emotions and thought alone, not through the use of tangible objects.
“Y-5” Pattern refers to the pattern of cusps on human molars. When looked at form the top, the cusps of the molars form a Y opening towards the cheek.